Scholarships Awarded in FY 2023-24
In the current academic year, the Foundation for Excellence (FFE) awarded a record-breaking $9.05 million in scholarships to 16, 295 deserving scholars. This significant accomplishment underscores FFE’s continued commitment to supporting students pursuing higher education from underprivileged families.
One notable achievement in the distribution of scholarships in the academic year was the increase in the number of female scholars. FFE awarded scholarships to 5,441 female scholars, a significant milestone for the organization. This increase reflects FFE’s ongoing efforts to address gender disparities in scholarship distribution and support the education of female students who often face discrimination and limited access to education.
In the academic year 2023-2024, FFE accepted 4,709 first-year college students who met the Foundation’s criteria for merit in a competitive college entrance examination and had a family income lower than $3,750. This initiative highlights FFE’s commitment to providing access to education to students who may not have the financial means to pursue higher education.
Scholarship Distribution in FY 2023-24
During the 2023-2024 academic year, the Foundation for Excellence (FFE) granted scholarships to 66.6% male and 33.39% female scholars. FFE is working towards increasing the number of female scholars, as a large number of girls in our country still face discrimination and limited access to higher education. FFE believes that educating a female scholar can have a positive impact not only on her, but also on her entire family and future generations.
FFE has historically awarded scholarships to students studying engineering and medical (MBBS) programs, but has recently expanded its offerings to include B.Pharm and law degrees. This was done to cater to the preferences of US donors in the pharma and legal service industries. This year, 68.08% of scholarships were awarded to engineering students, 29.02% to medical students, 1.37 % to Law students, and 1.33% to BPharm students.
FFE Scholarships History
Since its inception in 1994, FFE has provided financial assistance to 38, 342 scholars, disbursing a total of 111, 464 scholarships worth $54.5 million. The success of the Foundation can be attributed to the generosity of individual donors and corporations around the world who share the belief that education is a vital tool for social and economic progress.
FFE’s impact on education is significant, with the number of scholarships awarded increasing dramatically over the past decade. In 2012, the Foundation awarded 1,924 scholarships, but by 2024, this number has risen to 16, 295. This reflects an average growth rate of 20% per year. The growth in the number of scholarships awarded by FFE over the past decade is a testament to the increasing demand for financial assistance for education and the Foundation’s commitment to its mission.
Graduating Class of 2022-23
In June 2022, 1, 455 FFE engineering scholars graduated. Of this group, 1,058 have already accepted job offers, while 204 are continuing their education. FFE graduates have received job offers from renowned multinational corporations such as Microsoft, Amazon, JP Morgan Stanley, Nvidia, Arcesium, Atlassian, Next Think Lab, Cognizant, Deloitte, HCL, Jio, L&T, Oracle, Optum, TCS, Samsung, wells Fargo, Reliance and Robert Bosch. The average salary for FFE graduates was $14,300, with some exceptional graduates receiving offers as high as $61,000 per year.
94% of the engineering graduates have achieved their career goals, while the remaining 6% are still seeking employment opportunities.